I didn't email LTA yesterday but I did contact them about a month ago because I have witnessed too many dangerous and illegal U-turns and even accidents at that particular junction. I was doing them and other road users a favor. Since I am aware of the risk, I always take care to avoid it. It is the ignorant and complacent that will help contribute to the dismal statistics.
Clearly, the sender cut and paste. That's alright. What isn't is he didn't use his head. If you don't like or can't use your head consider a career with LTA. This is not the first time I am blogging about them.
Prior to this, I forwarded the mail from LTA to the family, which I wrote.
What do I care? I am doing them and others a favor. With many words when few would do, they are saying let's wait for more accidents first.
My point as I have said and even blogged about. Don't be stupid to rely on the govt. Look after yourselves.
May be accidents at this junction will not increase, but you are comparing people who read reports against those with intimate local knowledge. You ask me, I think it is a matter of when not if. We have lived here for so long, we track how the surrounding area is developing, we know.
Then one day, there is a tragic accident that make the news. People are interviewed and no one is surprised. My point? LTA reacts intead of preempt. You can help them react correctly by getting injured or giving your lives on our roads. That's the worst idea, but I know it is easier to talk to LTA than all road users. At least that is what common sense suggest.
The cockroaches which I love to blog about always die because they only know how to react. Thank goodness they do not have brains and they are pests. But LTA is smarter than cockroaches. They don't die on our roads. They leave that role to us to help them do their jobs better. So some of us must die in order that others might live but we are not even at war. Last I heard George Patton said don't be an idiot and die for your country, make the other bastard die for his! Gen Patton had brains and common sense.
Now don't take this post too seriously. I need an opportunity to write some pretty dumb things once in a while. The right thing is to do nothing about this junction FOR NOW but just prosecute the driver I caught for making that turn. What we must not accept from them which they also are not stupid enough to admit but we can tell from 'actions speak louder than words' that they make their job easy by reacting than being proactive. Like the PAP, they serve themselves first than us. Now how do we get them to reset their priorities right?
Update: 3:00pm

Update: June 1
This is good :-)
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