Saturday, May 25, 2013

Attacking LGBTs

I just read this at the TOC. I am reminded that I don't even know what LBGT stands for until last year. For that I have to thank Lawrence Khong.

I am not anti or pro gay. Personally I accept that LBGT exists but I think they are unnatural in the sense that it is not the default outcome by nature. LBGT happens period, and so we gotta to learn to live with them peacefully and constructively. LGBTs must not be persecuted and they must be accorded rights like any non-LGBT because they are humans and also citizens or residents here.

What are these Christians doing attacking Gay SG Confessions? Why can't they just leave them alone? Their behavior smacks of the same mentality which led to the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Instead of marching toward Jerusalem they are marching to war against gay infrastructure. This is completely un-Christian.

On 377A, we should either repeal or enforce it. The current arrangement of leaving it in the statutes but not enforcing it smacks of weakness and political convenience. I wished the government knew how to be shrewder. As is, they don't even bother to be creative. Gays must not live in fear.

Gays must be worrying that the government might one day decide to prosecute them. You never know. On the other hand as long as 377A exists, the Christians would be thinking up ways and eventually putting pressure on the government to act. This will definitely happen if gays succeed at growing their space in our society.

Society must decide and not pretend this is not an issue. If we are honest about this, what we are doing is tantamount to burying our head in the sand. When and what other issues would we be doing the same tomorrow? At minimum the government must not just set a date but periodically review 377A, which will naturally lead to public discussions. Better the gays try to expand their space publicly and those who are against their agenda also respond in broad daylight in debate and negotiations than for both sides to resort to underhanded means battling each other. This is just dangerous and unwise.

Update: 9:00pm

I first came to know about it from the WSJ this morning.

The gays are increasingly successful at expanding their space. This will bolster the confidence of their cousins here and elsewhere. So what is Ps Lawrence Khong and his compatriots going to do?

I wished Christians had been lamps in the darkness and salt of the earth, but I am not in a position to dictate what shape the world takes. History has shown that they are more adept at mounting crusades and acting religious than serve as good samaritans. What ugly Christians. There is no need to be uglier. Gays acquiring more social space is not their success but your failure to show what society could be, something which by and large you have no idea. Don't call unbelievers names when you are mostly no better. You are so unlike Jesus.

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