Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cycling Rights? No good dead.

I am glad my neighbor an avid cyclist is off the roads after myself and I assume countless others must have warned him how dangerous it was. He now runs instead of bike.

This article is just repeating the same old arguments about cyclists' rights. Yes, they are right but also literally dead wrong too often. What is the use of rights without power to enforce them? How many votes can they get behind their cause? Better be realistic and clever about this. By all means take your bike out and have fun. It is good exercise but use your brain. Think of your family where you cycle.

Rights? You are no good dead. In fact, you are a complete loser.

Get angry? Better to be smart.

Update: 1:35pm

Just saw this after I returned from lunch :-(

I doubt there is political will to go after all these heavy vehicles to secure their chains on the road. What about Malaysian registered ones? Also these aren't the only hazards to cyclists.

If you want to find someone to answer for all these, it aren't other road users especially heavy vehicles. It is the LTA failure to prepare the road environment that is sufficiently safe for cyclists. Just compare what Dutch cyclists get with what is here.

If you go after other motorists, you get nowhere. There are countless of them. Go for the elephant in the room. Go after the LTA.

I find it easier to just cycle on the PCNs. LTA 0, NParks 1.

Update: 5:45pm

So a joint project by SCTF & LTA? This is no where near solving the problem, which is too costly. It is called managing expectations when government comes under pressure from civic society.

Talk is cheap. Communication like this slightly more expensive. Governments use this tactic all the time. Even the Fed does it but we much more skill and fortunately effectiveness.

Enforcement is key, anything else is a waste of time. Changing behavior of motorists is even better but even the idealists are not naive enough to entertain this.

And enforcement isn't coming. Stay off the roads and stay alive.


  1. For cyclists to have road rights, they must pay road tax. Motorists pay through their nose for the privilege to drive. So must cyclists.

    1. The road tax is to deter driving. The problem is that drivers like you who think you own the road because you paid a fortune for your cars.

  2. I agree. Cycling on roads are dangerous. Is it worth your life? Defending our rights are important but there are more worthy cause, right?

  3. It's hopeless, despite the deaths, they will continue to challenge for their rights to use the roads even if it inconvenience the other road users.

  4. Cyclists tend to think they are pursuing some healthy and leisure sport and expect motorists and pedestrians to give way so they can pursuit their leisure. They cycle in the wrong direction of the traffic, they abuse pedestrian crossings and defile traffic light rules. It is time they take responsibility - you don't throw your ball or shuttlecock anywhere and anyway just because you think you are sporty. People play games in designated halls and fields so as not to obstruct or disrupt others. So cyclists, if they go on public roads and even pedestrian walkways, they should know they have to take responsibility. Not use expecting sympathy (as the latest cyclist accident apparently colliding into a stationary and not moving lorry)
