Sunday, May 25, 2014

UMNO don't get it: Malay DAP candidate

UMNO don't get it. Many Malay Malaysians also do not get it. I don't know how many would get it eventually or how long that would take. More Malay Singaporeans would get it. Get what?

That Malays can compete head to head with any other race. Why remain inferior to the other races in academic and socio-economic performance. If the NEP is any good, it should just be a scheme which bought time for the Malays to be as good as anyone else. The best thing that can happen to bumi rights is that you no longer need or want them. Every nation will go to Malaysia to learn how.

I know I am being wishful but even part success is worth it. There are somethings you never give up trying and this is one of those things.

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