Sunday, May 25, 2014

China: Fighting corruption is just political purges

I think many of these tycoons are corrupt. Some are greedy and yet others felt forced to do so because that is how business is done. Some compensate by becoming serious philanthropists. Today we got news that one of them, Liu Han who betted the wrong horse will die for it. Too bad he cast his lot with Zhou Yongkang.

In major cities, the Chinese on the street are cynical about these corruption purges. They are just excuses to purge your political opponents. I think they are not far from the truth.

Here is another facet of Liu Han. He will long be remembered for building a school that did not collapse during the massive Sichuan earthquake. Others who only bothered to look good did not bother to make sure their buildings stood but Liu Han was different.

Bad idea for Xi Jinping to go after him. I bet he didn't know that school was built with Liu Han's contribution.

Tthey love to take down these rich tycoons because I am sure plenty of the loot from the confiscation of the assets wouldn't make their way to the treasury but the pockets of other corrupt officials who had bet the winning horse. That is how you pay those under you, how you buy loyalty.

I do not know how long it will take but it is only a matter of time when Chinese transfer of power will no longer be peaceful. These people have never successfully escaped the burden of Chinese History. Just wait and see how they eventually conclude the Zhou Yongkang affair. Future affairs will be more brutal and violent. If they are not careful they could sabotage themselves first before they could even overtake America.

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