Monday, June 13, 2011

Revisiting "Wisdom of Crowds" with NaviMap

I am re-reading portions of James Suroweicki, "Wisdom of Crowds"

The crowd is smarter than any group of experts if the following conditions are met.

(1) diversity of opinion;
(2) independence of members from one another;
(3) decentralization; and
(4) a good method for aggregating opinions.

but the writer didn't suggest why, only that the results have repeatedly spoken for themselves to be true.

The first time I read it years back, I was fascinated. Then I accept it as a property or feature of the crowds. This time I have a hypothesis for it in NaviMap thinking. Crowds as a group know, even as individuals they do not the reinforcing and counterbalancing loops in the system. There is no wisdom if the system is randomly chaotic, the worst case being like the model of Brownian motion. It is relationships and aggregation that creates loops. What that have been studied and written up in papers were examples of simple relationships. Investigators are naively trying to use them for our purposes. My guess is that they will be disappointed more often than not because our social systems are more insightful as a consequence of richer relationships, which are shielded from view in plain envelopes of simple results.

Therefore diversity of opinion is crudely; independence of members; and decentralization they have unaware captured a NaviMap Microworld. Loops are not complete and cannot not begin to be interesting and useful unless an entire Microworld is studied.

I have been trying to construct Microworlds from bottom up and find them too complex. I need to find a simpler and more efficient way.

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