Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Republicans Caught Religion and Lost

In 2010, the Republican Leader Mitch McConnell infamously said to the National Journal,

 “Our top political priority over the next two years is to deny President Obama a second term"

I never forget that remark. How unpatriotic. America is not about their damn GOP. It is about people, families and global leadership. Legislators must respect the people's choice. Always to build and never to tear down.

Obviously his party failed to boot out Obama. It could have been very easy given how poorly the economy had been performing and how bad the employment situation was. What happened?

I have often been appalled by how the Republicans are driven by ideology to the point that it had become religion for them. The totally lost it. No common sense at all. High time the do some very deep soul searching. They must know the trends do not favor them. Their supporters are ageing rich and middle class males. Four years later there will be fewer of them. Their brand of Christianity is narrow minded and hypocritical that cannot stand the test of present day realities. They are losing members because their children grow up and often abandon church. Their kind often send me inane messages that Obama is a Muslim; that all Muslims are terrorists - nonsense; Creation vs Evolution etc., These are the guys who would spread Christianity with guns than with compassion. They are the modern day crusaders. Eight years of Bush was more than enough. There is also their impractical Hayekian ideas on the economy. Humans do not have enough virtue to live up to that. Guess what? In office they talk small government but walk big government especially the military. It is a daft muscular foreign policy without the balance sheet to back it up.

This election shows that Americans do not buy the GOP ideologically driven agenda. Much of the world outside America heaved a sigh of relief to see Obama re-elected to the Oval Office.

I think the US economy is on the mend but politically they have worse to run before we can see improvement. Overall I am optimistic about America. She just need more time. Time for enough people to be persuaded and to realize what is good for them.

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