Friday, November 2, 2012

CSM and Jimmy

CSM post was the first item on my facebook news feed this morning. Too poignant.

When I was young, I thought I could plan my future. As I grow older I increasingly recognized we live by grace. From the human perspective Jimmy seemed to have received less grace.

Of course this is totally politically incorrect; if we live by grace even as we work harder than running the rat race, we do not feel the stress of the race. Instead you will live the "flow"* as per Daniel Pink book, "Drive". Pink's book didn't discuss grace as the the path to achieving "flow". Indeed a few can achieve "flow" in other ways. However all can have "flow" with grace. That's the meaning of, "my yoke is light"

I hope CSM would write more and tell us how the late Jimmy's family is coping with their tragic loss. Give us a seed of faith that there is a Joseph Story in the making.

* Flow is the mental and emotional state when the challenge before us is so exquisitely matched to our abilities that we lose our sense of time and forget ourselves in a task. Pink borrowed it from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi research

1 comment:

  1. CSM must be very busy plotting his move before the big changes that are going to happen real soon.
