Friday, December 21, 2012

Sigh! PM so indecisive about by election

Came up only twenty minutes ago on a Friday night.

PM, don't ask what is good for the PAP. Ask what is good for the residents of Punggol East and what is good for the country. Ask Punggol East if they prefer to have a DPM write letters on their behalf or have a newly elected MP.

How could you be so indecisive?

The quality of governance is slipping. If you don't show decisive leadership our little red dot will soon be taken less seriously.

You can't even advise when you could make up your mind!

The no-name PAP ideology need to be reinvented. Why you are running into so much trouble and losing support is because the old ideas no longer work. And it is stupid to blame us. If you insist on going with your old way, you better use your two third majority in parliament and turn this place into an autocracy. Of course, investors will flee. Good thing Singapore is a small country plugged into global network or we would have lost our liberty already. Your kind especially your father had always imagined Singaporeans to be daft and always worried that we would vote foolishly. Isn't it inane to let us have the vote then? If we were indeed stupid, we deserve to fail. Nobody can stop us. You would be even dumber than us to try.

Have more faith in your people.

Make what is good for the country also good for the PAP. That's the only way to win. And if you fail to persuade us on the rightness of your policies then you don't deserve to win. Respect the rules not just to the letter but in spirit too.


  1. This is trademark PM Lee for you (and me). Not just lack of decisive leadership, but lack of leadership, plain and simple. Whether it be the NC, sacred cows, fire or don't fire MBT and WKS etc.

    He's like a mathematician, assembling all the variables, getting all the inputs, calculating the shortest path and various permutations and then taking the least risky option. That's the definition of an administrator.

  2. That Lee can debate whether he should call a by-election underlines that his party is more important to him than Singapore and Singaporeans.

    The only thing he should be debating is when the election should be held.
