Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Year of Lust

Bloomberg borrowed this line from Zaobao isn't it? A year of lust.

I remarked to a friend that standards of public morality have fallen. He disagreed. It has become far easier to catch them. I think he is right.

Come 2013 there will be more such stories. I reckon it takes quite a while for them to be found out. We are definitely not talking about weeks. Usually they are measured in months or years. Therefore high level affairs and underage sex which are candidates for discovery next year are in progress at the moment.

I wonder which ministers, MPs and senior civil servants are still successfully hiding their affairs. The PAP better not be too cocksure about the purity of their white. They have developed a habit of over promising and under delivering in recent times or they can't justify their out of this world pay.

It is now a race between the technology to discover and expose vs the technology to conceal.

Finally self control cannot overcome lust. Love is what conquer lust beginning with loving your spouse. Often love means being patient and long suffering. Sadly these ideas are so out of fashion. Truth is they were never in fashion. The fools think that with marriage they gain a sex partner and do not need any more self control. In fact the reverse is true because love do not demand but desires that. No wonder people stray. Mother Teresa with wide experience in such matters long ago discovered that the greatest poverty in the world today isn't food or shelter but love. We have only seen the tip of the ice berg then.

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