Saturday, March 8, 2014

NTU Open House

Helping the girl choose what to read in University is taking up all my spare time! Many blog posts are missing as a result.

We all went with our daughter to the NTU open house today. I have not been here for many years and was keen to see how things have changed.

There were lots of people but oddly my daughter didn't meet anyone from her JC. Where were they?

Overall we weren't impressed. It was like every school or department just do their own thing. There was no coordination.

Bumped into an old friend trying to interest me to get my daughter to consider applying for the A*Star scholarship. I told her that she used to be keen on scientific research but as she progressed up the educational ladder she discovered there were so many more talented than her in the sciences. On the other hand she is an all rounder and that's how you can get a perfect score. Some could be singularly world beating good in a subject and they often do not have perfect score. Will A*Star identify and support them?

There was overwhelming interest in Biz Ad and Accountancy. The Nanyang Auditorium was filled to capacity even before the talk began. We decided then to forget it and left. The girl is probably opting for NUS anyway. Just as well we were mostly touring than looking to make a commitment.

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