Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some are more equal than others.

Jeremiah Choy was probably referring to the alleged infarction of cooling day rules during the GE by Tin Pei Ling. Yes, like him, I am puzzled too. There is growing evidence that the elites are increasingly becoming more equal than others, .e.g.,  the inexplicable 12 year NS deferment for Patrick Tan.

By the way, Jeremiah is a trained lawyer.

Must use this blog to collect more such examples as I often remember the moral but not the evidence.

  • I am puzzled. If I register to be the administrator of something, does it not mean that I am responsible for administering that something? Even if my friend used my password (with my permission) to post something on my behalf? So, if something went wrong, my friend got a stern warning, and I am let off, then am I truly responsible for that something? I am still puzzled.
    54 minutes ago ·  · 

1 comment:

  1. i just wander why. I bookmarked your blog but am increasingly reluctant to visit it. It is all so depressing....
