Saturday, April 16, 2011

My new car wash

Ever since Mr. Car Wash disappeared, I have found an alternative albeit an unreliable one. I hope I am at the right place when the wash comes (aka rain). Once in a while may be I pay the $7 for a good foam wash available at Caltex Alexandra.


  1. Hmm, a good car requires a decent time for washing. I mean, keeping it clean is the primary sign that says its owner gives importance to it. Good thing you found a new car washer for your car. :)

  2. If a vehicle is coated with too much dust and dirt, constant rainfall may not be enough to wash the car clean. The dirt won't come off that easily, but that is a pretty clever idea to save on cleaning bills. You may want to prepare a fine sponge and a cleaning solution next time.

  3. If you don’t have enough money for a car wash, why not clean your car yourself? Ask your family or friends to help and make a day out of it! We cleaned our van last weekend and even the little ones helped. It was a lot of fun! =)

  4. Good idea, ‘Ivo’! :) Nothing would be as fun as a fulfilling and enjoyable car wash activity with the family. Also, having the kids help with chores like this would make them appreciate and care even more for the stuff you have at home. :)

    Dante Mallet

  5. Well, I think most of you will agree that car washing is a great way to bond with your family, especially with your kids. I grew up doing this kind of activity. Every morning during the weekends, my little brother and I will help our dad to wash his car. :) We each had our own bucket of soap water. I wouldn’t appreciate doing it with my brother now. Haha. But it was really fun when I was young! :D
