Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Scholarships: BrightSparks

The girl brought back this big and heavy bag full of info on applying for scholarships yesterday. Everyone is given this bag but as we all know most of them will not receive a scholarship and will have to pay their own way through university. So much effort and resources dedicated to the best performers. So how can we not develop haves and have-nots gaps? Be it income, wealth or opportunities gaps.

We start off well but now we have a problem which keeps growing and nobody knows how to fix it. Yet we know this is unsustainable and taken to its logical end, the PAP will lose power eventually. Success given enough time regularly feeds on itself with tragic consequences. Typically what governments do is band aid. They redistribute the goods and opportunities to 'losers' in order to remain in power. This is a practical and least bad idea which is also morally bankrupt. Some societies will eventually figure a better solution just like the West once had and overtook the old Chinese civilization. The Chinese are making a comeback but they have no fresh ideas, only superior execution, even that is debatable.

1 comment:

  1. "The Chinese are making a comeback but they have no fresh ideas, only superior execution, even that is debatable."

    We too have no fresh ideas. We once had superior execution but that too is becoming doubtful. At least the Chinese made a comeback.Will we be able to ? This government does not understand how to get the people behind them. In fact I don't believe real "people" figure in the thinking of some of the Ministers.
