Friday, September 16, 2016

Islam only way forward

The article says "a way forward" but my title is "only way forward" Why didn't the writer admit that? Because he felt pressured to take it slowly? Who knows but I fear too many Muslims may already at least intellectually lean toward uniting Islam with Politics because that is the only way to practice Islam in its true form. If that is what they think then the road to their promised land is paved with blood and tears without arriving at their destination. Therefore separating Islam and state is the only way. Muslims better go back to their scriptures and history to check again what is actually there. People are lazy and always prefer cognitive ease. Instead of seeking the truth for themselves they prefer to trust some misguided authority figures. Of course at that point they didn't know these religious teachers were wrong.

When will Mohammad Alami Musa start to move away from "a way forward" to "only way forward". This is true not only for Islam but every religion as well or else we would simply have religious and civil wars.

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