Sunday, April 26, 2020

Easy to get surgical masks

Two days ago, very early in the morning before 6 am, I was at Sheng Siong and spotted this pile beside the cashier. I bought two boxes for $23.50 each. Not made in China but Australia.

Yesterday, also early in the morning I saw they were still available, but not as many.

This morning the pile was as high as in the picture. Again, it was before 6 am. I have taken to buying my groceries when most people are still snoozing.

Obviously, it is no longer that hard to buy face or surgical masks. Looks like everyone is making them these days.

Update: April 28

The price fell to $18.

I checked Qoo10. The prices there haven't fallen. I am surprised these have not flown off the shelves. The offer started yesterday and will run till the end of next month.

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