Monday, December 14, 2015

Why starve your FDW?

Why did both of you do that to your maid or FDW? You are not the first, neither would you be the last. I don't understand and I am as perplexed by the media lack of curiosity to go find out and explain to readers. It is so obvious that we want to know the possible reasons why some employers can be so sick.

Update: Dec 15 6:05 pm

These two must be Singapore most hated couple at the moment. What drove them to treat their FDW so badly? Have they had other FDWs working for them before? What about their extended family and friends? Didn't they notice what was going on?


  1. sick people - not surprising they were so caught up in making money (and maybe losing a lot - that's why they have gone bonkers). Gambling - not trading I would say

  2. something wrong with their damned kids too - they are as merciless as their parents that they would be a hazard to our gracious society. Maybe they should be sent for re-education.

    1. Calvin C had a great suggestion for the kids of terror-ists - kill them. His rationale: Cos when the kids grow up, they too could terrorize.

    2. nip the problem at the bud

  3. I remember we had a "bad" helper once. We just bought an air ticket and sent her off - "cutting loss" as a responsible trader would do. Now this employer who is a trader - assuming the maid has failed (which does not seem to be the case here) he should know better of the act of "cutting loss". Failing to do so tells a lot of why he might have lost his original job in some treasury outfit

  4. if educated, wouldn't make gambling a job. Especially when the body should be sleeping
