Monday, April 9, 2012

A wonderful Easter Song: Because He Lives

Thank you so much Pearly for sharing this. Half the world is till enjoying Easter Sunday and that's good enough for us here already into Monday.

Patti from Indiana just asked me how we celebrate Easter. I replied we don't really although it is always special for me in a quiet way. I wrote back with the following:

"As a family we do not celebrate it either but in my heart it is a special day for me. Truly, since our Lord lives each day is Easter. It is whether we allow it to be so in our lives. In him all our hopes are pinned and fears committed."

Because He Lives

Because He lives; because He rose in mighty triumph from the grave
I put my trust in Him, and seek to follow Him in faith
Because He lives
Because He lives, I shall find strength to stand against the tempter's power
He is my refuge and defense in every troubled hour
Because He lives

Because He lives, I can bear whatever burden may be mine
I am encircled in the arms of love divine because He lives
Because He lives, He will banish every shadow of my pain
Every sorrow will be swallowed up in Him
For in His hand is healing for the weary soul
This I know because He lives

Because He lives my heart is filled with peace amid a world of fear
And through the blindness of the night, in Him I rest secure
Because He lives

Because He lives there is no task so great that I cannot endure
I bear no heartache that His tender mercy cannot cure
Because He lives

(Repeat chorus)

Because He lives I will fear no darkness
Because He lives I will walk in light
Because He lives I will praise His kindness
Because He lives hope shines ever bright
Because He lives I will seek His righteousness
Because He lives I'll follow where He leads
Because He lives I shall conquer even death
And I shall live because He lives!

Because He lives I will rejoice in Christ and glorify His name
And with the willing voice of gratitude proclaim: My Savior lives!
Because He lives He will banish every shadow of my pain
Every sorrow will be swallowed up in Him
For in His hand is healing for the weary soul
This I know, because He lives

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