Saturday, September 8, 2018

377A is not about LGBT or the Christian Agenda

Received this message shortly after midnight this morning.

I see it is equating Christian with Citizen eh?

Another similar request hours later. In fact I am expecting more of such from my Christian friends. Since this one arrived at a more sanely hour, I responded as follows.

But I must give credit to my response to a book manuscript I have recently reviewed: Non-Speaker.

I quote from relevant bit of the book:

Exactly as I responded to the message that this is a question between the past and the future. The public quarrel that is happening is just partisan and narrow minded. May K, "Non-Speaker" is worth a read. You can read chapter one online for free.

Update: 7:10 pm

This is not a discussion of the future but fear mongering by the Christians. It is borrowing thoughtlessly entirely from the US experience which is a different environment from ours. You can suggest such possibilities but you must also explain how repealing 377A gets us from here to there. Then you are not fear mongering but meaningfully discussing the future. Otherwise it is just a mischievous way for hijacking the future for your hate agenda but having said so, the LGBT idea of love isn't what I think love is either. We don't want to be used by either camp to advance the agenda of either side. Live and let live. We are a secular state and we fashion a future as guided by our national pledge.

Update: Sep 9 9:25 am

I mentioned in the main post and an earlier post the heart of the issue over 377A is not what the LGBT community or the Christians have put up but our future which the government if failing to provide leadership because they have set themselves up as the only entity that could to that.

Alaric Tan story in the Sunday Times is locked up behind a paywall. No point providing a link to it. Pondering over it I thought about the future of this growing community of  LGBTs. We either learn to live with them or continue to persecute them, keep them underground and pretending not to see which is no longer tenable. It is also evil and who are we to judge them? As Blaise Pascal pointed out the world consists of only two types of people: Righteous people who think they are sinners and sinners who think they are righteous. I am afraid many Christians belong to the latter. On the other hand LGBTs are no saints themselves. Homosexuality is a sin and all of us are sinners too, mostly fashionable sins and feel guilt free about them. What we need are righteous people who think they are sinners. These are the types of people who know we are different so we are one.

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