Thursday, July 12, 2018

Trump: the vulgar Reagan

He is damn vulgar alright but no Reagan. May be hidden there is some. To me he fails the kids test and that makes him unfit to be president, which does not means he cannot be effective. Given the peculiar circumstances he could be. He is just a very bad example and not a model for children as a future president or even a decent human being. There is no future in his values and mindset.

America spend about 3.7% of its budget on defence, so this 4% on Nato is not a target but a direction for spending. Past presidents have not succeeded at getting US allies to do their part who are very familiar and well schooled in saying No to the US. This bully can get many things out of the allies but it is disaster if every president after him behaves like him. History is littered with examples of such cautionary tales against badly behaved hegemons. A good example would be Babylon versus Persia. For the long term future of America, Trump must become a useful and unwitting fool to be sacrificed and destroyed after what he has done the dirty and nasty work because he cannot be a model for future leadership. Unless of course if America by now has turned into one huge hypocrisy. I don't think so, Obama proved that.

Would history suggest in the next few years, America was lucky to have him for president but he was damn unlucky to be president? Perhaps this will end with him in jail after he leaves office but a future president is likely to pardon him. He will likely get away but wear disgrace for the rest of his life.

Premature to assess but he just might be very useful disposable cutlery.

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