Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Famous Amos, Pretend Amos

How do you know if this boy wasn't just putting up an act? The only sure way to protect against him is not to take him too seriously; don't be a sucker and a hypocrite.

All the trouble I have seen people dug themselves into begun with taking him too seriously. Not a bad idea to heed Geroge Yeo's advice on this matter.


  1. I think he deserves an Oscar for best performance. Or queen size bed in the IMH?

  2. Try staying 2 weeks in IMH and see what will happened to you. Not forgetting another 40 days in Changi prison.

    1. What are you suggesting? That our prisons and IMH are torture facilities? That nobody have had it worse than 40 days in Changi and 2 weeks in IMH? And any who such misfortune were forever wrecked when they were released?

    2. Others may have had worse than 40 days in Changi and another 2 weeks in IMH and they were younger and committed a lesser crime than calling the dead ex-Minister Mentor a horrible person?

    3. I am sorry, but you have your facts wrong. The prosecutor dropped the charges for the item you mentioned. And I hope you aren't Chin Tu Lang returning to comment anonymously.
