Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Morning pretty green spot

Took the opportunity to un-mount the Note 4 from its holder and shot this picture while waiting for the light to turn green. There are so many pretty spots on this island only because we tend it carefully as a garden.

Several HDB blocks used to stand here but they had all been demolished. I presume they moved the residents to some of the new blocks near by.


  1. The world needs to take a good look at itself before polarising political, religious and economic forces bring a destruction to the already ailing planet earth. An interesting Washington Post sheds a little light in the growing darkness that clouds us -
    Our new pro-science pontiff: Pope Francis on climate change, evolution, and the Big Bang. ( )

    Blessed New Year, PengYou

    1. Thank you! And a Blessed 2015 to you too. Also keep safe!

    2. Indeed you are spot on - we need to be safe and secure for the coming future. And discerning too.
