Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Google: Whatever happened to "Don't be evil"

That was taken from Bloomberg story: Why the EU Will Slap Google Over Product Searches.

The EU just announced that it is slapping Google Alphabet with a 2.4 billion euros fine.

If you are ang moh then these big US companies are just like Gremlins. They were innocent, cute and useful when much smaller and monsters when they become big and powerful.

If you are Chinese then this is even clearer, all these Internet giants are Goujians. That pretty much says it all about them. Of course the biggest Goujian of all is when China becomes the largest economy and a military power. Those who preached a peaceful rise of China are naive by ignoring basic human nature. Just stay around and watch Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu etc., also like Google becoming "evil".

I bet they didn't expect to get hit by the EU competition commission when they were planning their strategy for global conquests. This is the Anglo Saxon values up against European values. What is fair is not a helpful or practical way to approach such matters. After all it isn't about fairness but contesting value systems asserting themselves. 

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