Saturday, July 14, 2018

Job interview with SIA

Yesterday before her turn to speak to the interviewers at SIA the daughter messaged me the above: in round 2 they need to bring their own Notebook PCs for the interview.

When she finished her discussion with them she had to do two written tests and was told that SIA will not provide her any writing instrument and hopefully she has brought her own pen.

SIA has become shockingly cost sensitive. They do not care that job candidates would tell others about this. Personally I think this is sad but it is also intelligent and targeted cost cutting. Most MNCs would simply have cut cost blindly across the board.

All things equal would a girl marry a rich or poor guy? SIA is the poor guy now. Not a problem if you have to bring your own computer for a job interview but it is a problem if they try to pay you as little as possible after you join them. You marry for love but do you join the company for the same reason?

Update: July 14 11:15 am

Good to add this, the chat with my siblings yesterday.

Are we looking at a trend which SIA is just an early participant? Costs are getting squeezed everywhere. People are no longer assets except to themselves.

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