Friday, June 22, 2018

SG, CN and US: Doling out the Caesar's test

China is subjecting everyone and even American businesses to this "test of sincerity". That Taiwan is a part of China, show it in your company literature.

This reminds me of the old story when the religious leaders asked Jesus if they should pay taxes to Caesar? It was a trap just like China has set up for all of us as well. Jesus asked for a coin and then said, "Whose face is on the coin?" Afterwards he suggested you pay to each its due. We can do the same here. No maps are shown until you identify yourself. If you are Chinese nationals we will show you what you want to see. If you aren't, we won't provoke the Taiwanese with what the PRC want either.

Another version of this take which is more up to date is "see people talk people, see devil talk devil"

So what decoding China's demands?

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