Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Prayers being answered about Syria - No war

If Syria agrees and follow through giving up their chemical arsenal that would be best.

I am coming from a different angle, a spiritual one. The Pope has been leading his flock to pray for a peaceful resolution. The Greek Orthodox Christians in Syria are desperate for this. To them God is answering their prayers or more aptly cries.

I shudder at the thought that an American attack might eventually lead to a regional and wider war. These things have a knack for throwing open the gates of hell. Let's keep that for another day.


  1. Here are the political facts & climate:-

    Iran is backing Assad. Gulf states are against Assad!

    Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood. MB & Obama are against General Sisi.

    But Gulf states are pro Sisi! Which means they are against MB!

    Iran is pro-Hamas, but Hamas is backing MB!

    Obama is backing MB, yet Hamas is against the USA!

    Gulf states are pro-US. But Turkey is with Gulf states against Assad; yet Turkey is pro-MB against General Sisi. And General Sisi is being backed by the Gulf states!

    Welcome to the Middle East and good luck to all the prayers we need.

    If anyone still thinks this is a black and white war, pls remember. There is always more than meets the eyes. People don't go to war for only one reason - that the enemy have chemical/MDW weapons. That is the obvious excuse.

    1. Thanks for this comment because you have said it for me. I am just too tired to organize and write them. Thanks again!

  2. the yanks will always try to pitch brother against brother. They are no saint to try to justify adding fuel to the war by claiming syria has chemical weapons - as if the former has not used themselves. Being so Christian as the yanks claim to represent, they should heed what the Master said - let the one without sin cast the first stone. God have mercy!
