Monday, May 9, 2011

PAP cannot learn from Google and so will eventually fail

I don't know how this would last, i.e., thinking about the elections just past, about the future of my tiny nation, the world my kids will grow up into, but some thoughts find their way here because I want to read them to myself sometime from now - I hope not too soon.

The PM spoke about the need to change, his ex foreign minister went even further to suggest "transformation" but I think one is talking nonsense and the other is offering too little especially after I began reading this book, "What Would Google Do?" No wonder the PAP and its government fail repeatedly to find a toehold on the Web and social media. And I haven't even read pass page 19 to feel that way. I will have to read, may be only scan this book real quickly. The library wants it back or I must pay them 15 cents a day for this book kidnap.

The PAP should just finally live its name. "People's Action Party", people in action. Not just them, but all of us like Google so successfully went about. So successful it was that Microsoft (read here as like PAP) is melting under its "free heat".

Want to keep playing PAP? The score would be People: 1 and PAP: 0. The game might last for a while, but the results is not in doubt.

Whether we have matured to participate in the democratic process more actively nobody really knows. The fact is a growing number of citizens think so and will act thus. The "customers" were ready for Google and so the company succeeded on the back of helping its "customers" achieve what they want. It has to be "customers" in quotes simply because the category cannot be read in any way we have always been familiar with.

We are not Google, but all of us are Google, Facebook, Twitter....enabled. This infrastructure makes possible an effect in Complexity Theory: The intelligence of the masses as a consequence of chaotic emergence, which so far in social experiments have trumped the experts in non scientific fields (read economics, markets, politics, religion....)

As Microsoft could never have remade itself into a Google, the PAP equally challenged is likely to fail. It would be sad, because what it could be, should be is already in its name. No other political party here has a better and more progressive sounding name.

Which of the opposition parties will nurture Google ethos over and above traditional approaches. The model they might glean some useful insight:

I am tired of being told to moderate my expectations and yet at the next moment encouraged to live my dreams. This is schizophrenic. There are countless such examples e.g., work, work really hard vs healthy work life balance. Too emotionally draining to list any more examples as I watch what the government do is extend Dr. Goh's legacy beyond its useful life despite his advice to the contrary in 1984. How long can we go "betterer, fasterer and whatever er"

Frightening creative destruction going from "Microsoft" to "Google" are we up to it? Our hope of success is to let the Gen Y and younger lead the way. The older generation job is to be there to catch them if they fall but we must let the Nicole Seahs and Pritam Singhs of our nation try, careful to keep the Tin Pei Lings in school until they are ready. Lee Kuan Yew's fearful attitude about the future would only lead us to our demise.

We might also need a new Dr. Goh. The problem is that if we go looking for him or her (why must it always be a man) we might not recognize him or her. That he/she would look and feel different I have no doubt. May God be gracious to us now as before. It is impossible to control even a fraction of what is necessary to ensure our future, and that's how the MM's got blind sided. I only know a society built on fear is the wrong ticket for a bright future. In fact, it is the pass to perdition.

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